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'Eco Surf Litter Dinghy'
Launches in WA

Proud to be 100% recyclable and fossil fuel free.

To see the Eco Surf Litter Dinghy in action watch the video in the link below.


The Eco Surf Litter Dinghy was awarded a 2022 KABCWA Community Litter Grant by the Hon Reece Whitby MLA (Western Australia Environment Minister)

Eco Surf Litter Dinghy

The Eco Surf Litter Dinghy is a 100% recyclable boat. 


With the aim to look at innovative ways to educate about moving toward a circular economy, Eco Surf Australia created a concept of powering a boat made from a recyclable product, using an electric vs diesel motor.  


Launched in October 2022, the Eco Surf Litter Dinghy made its inaugural voyage along Freshwater Bay where it has since rescued over 100 kilograms of litter from the Swan River in areas hard to access by foot.  All litter collected is audited and logged with the Australian Marine Debris Institute and Tangaroa Blue.


The Eco Surf Litter Dinghy was funded through the award of a Keep Australia Beautiful Council of Western Australian Community Litter Grant.

"We can change the world and make it a better place. 

It is in our hands to make a difference"  


-Nelson Mandela-

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